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We are delighted to announce that the Retirement and Health Study 2022/23 has been completed successfully in June 2023. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all participants for dedicating their time and effort to sharing valuable insights. We look forward to your continued support in the next round of RHS in 2024/25. 


Find out more about the latest insights using RHS data, as well as our newly released Newsletter (Issue 3) which takes you behind the scenes of the RHS! Be sure to check out the articles below to find out more.


What is the Retirement and Health Study?


With one of the most rapidly ageing populations, it is crucial to conduct research to improve ageing related policies and services in Singapore. The RHS was launched in 2014 with the support of the Housing Development Board (HDB), Ministry of Finance (MOF), Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). Selected individuals will be interviewed once every 2 years.


The RHS is implemented by the CPF Board, with the Singapore Department of Statistics (DOS) providing technical advisory.


Retirement and Health Study Strategies


We are pleased to announce the release of our article, "The Retirement and Health Study - Management of a Large-Scale Longitudinal Study in Singapore”, on the Singapore Department of Statistics Website. The article describes the various approaches used to achieve a robust longitudinal panel with quality data, as well as efforts to make the survey more accessible and convenient for study participants. Read our latest piece today!

How can I tell if the contacts regarding the RHS are legitimate?


Notifications from CPF Board:

  • For emails, ensure that the sender’s email address is correctly spelt and ends with
  • For SMS, ensure that the sender is “”. The SMS will also begin with "Central Provident Fund Board". We will not send SMS from other IDs.
  • Messages from CPF Board may contain links to the CPF website or other Government websites. Please check that the domain of such links end with “” before clicking on them.

What have we learned from the Retirement and Health Study?


Data from the Retirement and Health Study have been used to study ageing-related issues. For example, we have studied the respondents’ retirement plans and uses of CPF withdrawals after age 55.  Check out our newsletters below for more information.


RHS Newsletters

RHS Insights


Summary of Findings

Expenditure Increases Over the Course of Retirement (PDF, 0.3MB) (Jul 2023)


When estimating future retirement expenses, some may assume that their spending does not change much over the course of retirement, while others may believe that they may spend more in the early years of retirement and less as they age. However, the study found that retirees’ expenses increased with age due to higher needs in aged care and inflation. Those living in smaller flats and those with lower wealth saw greater increases in expenditure.

Channels Affecting the Labour Market Outcomes of Older Resident Workers (PDF, 0.4MB) (Jul 2023)


This study examined the channels through which ageing influenced individuals’ labour market outcomes. There were four key findings. First, older workers likely accumulated human capital and could command higher wages as they aged, especially within the same firm. Second, deteriorating health could have negatively affected employment and wage levels, possibly due to reduced productivity. Third, flexible work arrangements and partial retirement options enabled older workers to adjust hours without reducing wages. Finally, the re-employment age may have encouraged older individuals to continue working beyond the retirement age.

7 in 10 elderly Singapore residents received cash allowances from loved ones (PDF, 0.2MB) (Jul 2022)


In Singapore, family is one of the key pillars of social support. About seven in 10 elderly Singapore residents received regular cash allowances from their loved ones. This was higher among those who were above 75 years old, female, and widowed. The most common source of cash allowances was from children.

The Impact of Retirement on Health (PDF, 0.2MB) (Jan 2022)


Under the Retirement and Re-employment Act (RRA), employers are required to offer re-employment to eligible workers until the re-employment age (age 65 as at Dec 2021). This study found that the RRA delayed retirement, especially for workers in higher routine and lower manual jobs. The study also found that retirement raised healthcare utilisation, especially among men.

What do CPF members do with the cash withdrawals from their CPF after age 55? (PDF, 0.3MB) (Dec 2018)


Upon turning 55 years old, CPF members have the option of withdrawing part of their CPF savings in a lump sum. Around four in 10 CPF members aged 55 to 70 reported that they did not make any cash withdrawals after turning 55 years old, even though they had the option of doing so. Of those who made withdrawals, most deposited their funds in the banks, or used them to pay for near-term expenditure needs or big-ticket items.


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