Forms and e-applications

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Cash top-ups and CPF transfers for retirement

This form allows you to top-up or CPF transfer to your or your loved one's Special or Retirement Account.

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Set up and manage recurring cash top-ups for retirement

You must have an existing GIRO arrangement before making recurring cash top-ups.

Step 1: Set up GIRO to make cash top-ups for retirement

This form allows you to set up or change your GIRO arrangement for recurring cash top-ups to your and your loved ones' Special or Retirement account.

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Step 2: Set up recurring top-ups

This form allows you to create and delete arrangements for recurring cash top-ups. If you wish to make changes to an existing recurring arrangement, delete the arrangement using the form and create a new one.

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Make retirement savings top-up to employees and platform workers

Make cash top-ups to CPF accounts.

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Top up MediSave Account

This form allows you to make a top-up to your own or your loved ones' MediSave Account.

If you are a self-employed person, voluntary top-ups made via this form will not be used to offset your MediSave payable, nor meet the MediSave requirement for Workfare. To offset your MediSave payable or meet the MediSave requirement for Workfare as a self-employed person, please visit Manage your MediSave payable.

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Make a voluntary housing refund

This form allows you to make a cash refund of your CPF savings used for your property.

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Top up CPF accounts

This form allows you to make a top-up to your own CPF accounts (Ordinary Account, Special Account or Retirement Account, MediSave Account) or on behalf of another person.

If you are a self-employed person, voluntary top-ups made via this form will not be used to offset your MediSave payable, nor meet the MediSave requirement for Workfare. To offset your MediSave payable or meet the MediSave requirement for Workfare as a self-employed person, please visit Manage your MediSave payable.


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Withdraw CPF investments

FORM INV-Transfer

This form allows you to withdraw your investments under the CPF Investment Scheme. Once withdrawn, your CPF investment account will be closed and your investments will be transferred to your own name. You may thereafter, liquidate your investments as you wish and have the sale proceeds paid to you directly.

You will be able to view the link to submit your application through the Investment dashboard if you meet the eligibility conditions.

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Opt in to increase CPF contributions as a platform worker

This form allows platform workers (ride-hail and delivery workers) born before 1995 to opt in to increased CPF contributions.


This form cannot be used for making top-ups to your CPF account.

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Manage your MediSave payable

This form allows you to make payment for your outstanding MediSave payable from self-employment or request an instalment plan.

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Set up GIRO for MediSave contributions


This form allows a self-employed person to set up GIRO arrangement to make MediSave contributions for himself or by another person on his behalf.

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Terminate GIRO for MediSave contributions


This form allows a self-employed person to terminate his GIRO arrangement for MediSave Contributions.


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Refund of CPF/MediSave contributions by self-employed person


This form allows you to apply for refund of your self-employed contributions.

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Adjust self-employed contributions


This form allows you to apply for adjustment of your self-employed contributions.

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Update notification preference for self-employed persons


This form allows you to update your notification preference for the ‘notice of CPF contributions for self-employed persons’.

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Plan my monthly payouts

This form allows you to get personalised details of your CPF monthly payouts and instruct us to start or defer your payouts when you turn 65.

This service is applicable to CPF members, who are at least 3 months away from payout eligibility age of 65.


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Withdraw for immediate retirement needs


This form allows you to apply to make retirement withdrawals for immediate cash needs, and receive payment via PayNow almost instantly, or via Interbank GIRO. 

To receive payment via PayNow, please ensure that you have registered for PayNow and linked your bank account to your Singapore NRIC via your bank’s existing internet banking platform or mobile banking application.

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Withdraw CPF due to reduced life expectancy and claim life insurance benefits

This form enables you to apply for early withdrawal of part of your CPF savings if you have a reduced life expectancy due to a medical condition, and to claim insurance benefits under the Home Protection Scheme and Dependants’ Protection Scheme.

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If you are financing with a bank loan


Apply online to:

  • Make changes to housing instalment payments
  • Make arrears payment towards housing loan
  • Make lump sum payment towards housing loan
  • Repay housing loan fully 

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If you are financing with a HDB loan


If you are financing a HDB purchase using a HDB loan, go to the HDB website to apply for and manage the use your Ordinary Account savings.


Go to HDB website

Apply for or adjust Home Protection Scheme cover


This form allows you to apply for a new HPS cover or adjust your existing HPS cover.

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Termination of Home Protection Scheme cover


This form allows you to apply to terminate your HPS cover.

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Pay Home Protection Scheme premium shortfall


This form allows you to pay the Home Protection Scheme premium shortfall.

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Authorise the use of Ordinary Account savings for insured’s HPS premium


This form allows you to authorise the Board to deduct your OA to pay the HPS premium of your spouse/parent/child/sibling, if the insured’s OA is insufficient for his/her premium payment.

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Claim for Home Protection Scheme benefit (medical grounds)

This form allows you to file a claim under the Home Protection Scheme on medical grounds.

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Medical appointment for Home Protection Scheme

This service allows Home Protection Scheme applicants to view or reschedule their medical appointment.

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Top up to my/my loved one's MediSave Account for healthcare insurance premium payment

This form allows you to top up to your own or your dependants’ MediSave Account for payment of MediShield Life/CareShield Life/ElderShield premium.

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Top up my/my loved ones’ MediSave Account using CPF savings for healthcare expenses (for members aged 55 and above)

This form allows members aged 55 and above to top up their own or their loved ones’ MediSave Account using savings from their Ordinary Account for healthcare expenses.

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Change payer for MediShield Life, CareShield Life and ElderShield policy

This form allows you to take over as premium payer or stop premium payment for a family member's MediShield Life, CareShield Life and ElderShield policy.

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MediShield Life and CareShield Life health declaration for Permanent Resident applicant


This form allows Permanent Resident applicants to declare their health status for the administration of the MediShield Life Scheme.

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Suspension of MediShield Life premium collection

This form allows you to apply for suspension of MediShield Life premium collection if you meet all the eligibility criteria stated in the form.

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Set up GIRO for healthcare premiums

This form allows you to set up GIRO payment for your and your dependant’s outstanding healthcare premiums.

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Application for online nomination

​This online nomination allows you to nominate your loved ones to receive your CPF savings in cash and authorises the CPF Board to disclose your CPF information upon your death.

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Witness a CPF nomination


This form allows you to perform a witnessing for an online nomination.

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Notification of marriage in relation to CPF nomination


This form allows any person to provide the Board with information on a CPF member’s marriage. There is no need to use this form if the marriage is registered with the Singapore Registry of Marriages or Registry of Muslim Marriages.

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Witness statement (online nomination)


This form is for witnesses who have been specifically contacted by the Board to provide additional information on how a CPF nomination was made. If you want to witness an online nomination, please visit instead.


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Witnesses statement


This form is for witnesses who have been specifically contacted by the Board to provide additional information on how a CPF nomination was made.


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Application to withdraw deceased member's CPF


This form allows nominee to apply for withdrawal of deceased member’s CPF savings.

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Application to close CPF accounts for non-Singapore Citizens and non-Permanent Residents

​Form CPF-CA

This form allows CPF members who are non-Singapore Citizens and non-Permanent Residents to close their CPF accounts and transfer their CPF savings to their bank accounts.

Download (PDF, 0.3MB)

Application to close CPF accounts for non-Singapore Citizens and non-Permanent Residents (child)

Form CPF-CA(C)

This form allows the parent/legal guardian of a CPF member below 21 years of age who are non-Singapore Citizens and non-Permanent Residents close their CPF accounts and transfer their CPF savings to their parent’s/legal guardian’s bank account.

Download (PDF, 0.3MB)

Change payment details (for withdrawal of deceased member’s CPF savings or account closure)


This form allows a non-Singapore Citizen or non-Singapore Permanent Resident to change payment details to receive the balance due since the last payment or withdrawal application, as a:

  • Nominee applying to withdraw a deceased member’s CPF savings; or
  • Member leaving/who has left Singapore permanently.

Download (PDF, 0.3MB)

Update contact information

This form allows a member to update his contact information and/or salutation that is registered with the CPF Board.

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Update bank account

This form allows a member to update his bank account details. This bank account is used for payments under CPF schemes such as CPF monthly payouts and CPF withdrawals from age 55 (see list of payments).

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Submit divorce court order

This form allows you to submit your court order for the division of CPF-related assets in the divorce.

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Instruction to transfer discounted Singtel shares (division of matrimonial assets)


Please write to us to transfer your discounted Singtel shares from your CPF account to your ex-spouse’s CPF account under division of matrimonial assets.

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Instruction to transfer sale proceeds (division of matrimonial assets)


This form allows you to transfer your CPF investment sale proceeds from your CPF account to your ex-spouse’s CPF account under division of matrimonial assets.

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Apply for CPF education loan

Use this form to apply for the use of CPF savings to finance your subsidised tertiary education.

To withdraw your application that is pending processing, visit the Activities page to withdraw the submitted application.

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Endorse CPF education loan

Confirm or reject application(s) to use your CPF savings for tuition fee payment.

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Revoke the use of CPF savings for education

Revoke the authorisation for the use of your CPF savings for education.

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Manage education loan repayments

Manage the repayment of your CPF education loan(s).

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Set up GIRO for education loan repayments

Use this service to set up repayments from a bank account or to change an existing GIRO arrangement.

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