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Other net withdrawals amount

This table is available for download in Excel format (xlsx, 75KB)


Within period

Account closure for foreigners (S$m)

Reduced life expectancy (S$m) Death (S$m) Other schemes (S$m)
2019 887.4 94.2 1,064.3 338.0
2020 535.0 78.3 1,205.4 (278.0)
2021 586.3 86.4 1,435.7 48.6
2022 1,007.7 88.8 1,758.1 283.9
2023 1,943.5 85.3 1,868.2 331.1
2024 Q1 934.1 22.5 484.2 92.4



  • All figures are in S$ millions.
  • Other schemes include Home Protection Scheme, Dependants’ Protection Scheme, Education Scheme, Special Discounted Shares Scheme, etc.
  • CPF members who are covered under Home Protection Scheme from 9 November 2015 received premium rebates in January 2020.
  • CPF members who are covered under Dependants' Protection Scheme and were eligible for bonus sum assured prior to 1 April 2021 received premium rebates in May 2021.

More other withdrawals statistics