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Monthly payouts amount

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Within period

Retirement Sum Scheme (S$m)

2019 953.2 377.5
2020 1,375.0 465.8
2021 1,678.3 564.0
2022 2,128.6 694.9
2023 2,524.5 949.8
2024 Q1 757.8 297.9



  • All figures are in S$ millions.
  • CPF Lifelong Income For the Elderly (CPF LIFE) was established in Sep 2009. From 2013, members born in or after 1958 will be auto-included into CPF LIFE, if they meet the qualifying criteria at age 55 or six months before their Payout Eligibility Age (PEA). From Jul 2015, members who turned 55 will only be assessed for auto-inclusion six months before their PEA. From Dec 2022, members born in or after 1958 will be auto-included into CPF LIFE if they meet the qualifying criteria when they start their monthly payouts.

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