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Greater assurance for seniors
The Silver Support (SS) Scheme is part of a wide range of schemes that the Government has put in place to give seniors greater assurance in retirement.
Who’s eligible for the Silver Support Scheme?
There’s no need for you to apply for the SS Scheme. If you’re a Singapore Citizen aged 65 and above, you’ll automatically qualify whenever you meet all of the following criteria:
Your Silver Support benefits
If you are eligible, you will receive a notification letter in December each year and will automatically receive payments every subsequent quarter.
The amount you will receive depends on your household monthly income per person and the type of HDB flat you live in. If you are a Singapore Citizen aged 65 and above, and receiving ComCare Long -Term Assistance (LTA), you will receive $430 per quarter regardless of flat type and household monthly income.
Silver Support is paid out every quarter
You will start receiving payments in the quarter you turn age 65.