Platform Workers CPF Transition Support calculator

Estimate the amount of Platform Workers CPF Transition Support (PCTS) you can receive in a month if you are a ride-hail driver, delivery partner or other platform worker.

PCTS provides monthly cash support for Jan 2025 to Dec 2028 - to help lower-income platform workers who make increased CPF Ordinary and Special or Retirement Account contributions.

The amount of PCTS a platform worker can receive is based on age, platform earnings and other income, as well as the offset rate for the year. Use this tool to estimate how much you can receive in a month.

Important Notes

Are you born before 1995? You will need to have opted in to increase your CPF contributions, in order to be eligible for PCTS. Check your opt-in status.


Platform Workers CPF Transition Support calculator

Input details

Have you opted in?

Platform workers who are born before 1995 must opt in to increase their CPF contributions to be eligible for PCTS.

Specify the period of work done by entering the month and year.

Platform workers above 65 years old are not eligible for PCTS, as they do not see an increase in their own share of CPF contributions. Find out more.

In 2025, platform workers above 60 years old are not eligible for PCTS as they do not see an increase in their own share of CPF contributions. Find out more.

In 2028, platform workers above 60 years old are not eligible for PCTS as they do not see an increase in their own share of CPF contributions. Find out more.

Your platform earnings for {workMonthAndYear}

Working for more than 5 platforms? Write to us for help with the calculation.


Your salary for {workMonthAndYear}


Include bonuses, allowances and overtime payments


Estimated amount

Total Platform Workers CPF Transition Support (PCTS) receivable for {workMonthAndYear}


Platform workers must earn more than ${minIncomeThreshold} for at least one platform to receive PCTS. Find out more.

Result details

A platform worker can receive PCTS if he's

  • Born in or after 1995, or

  • Born before 1995, and has  opted in to increase his CPF contributions


Platform Workers CPF Transition Support (PCTS)

Platform Workers CPF Transition Support (PCTS) will offset part of the increase in platform workers’ CPF Ordinary and Special or Retirement Account contribution rates.

When will I receive Platform Workers CPF Transition Support (PCTS)?

The payment for Platform Workers CPF Transition Support (PCTS) will be made around two months after the work month.

How is the amount of Platform Workers CPF Transition Support (PCTS) calculated?

The amount of Platform Workers CPF Transition Support (PCTS) depends on your age, platform earnings and other income, as well as the offset rate for the year.

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