Born before 1995

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Illustration of platform worker who opts in to increased CPF contributions:

A platform worker who is aged 50 in 2029 and earning a monthly net earnings of $2,000 has the choice of whether or not he wants to opt in to increased CPF contributions. If he opts in, he will have to contribute 20% of his salary, amonting $400 as part of the platform worker share and will enjoy platform operator share of CPF contribution, amounting to $340. The total CPF contribution of $740 for the month will then be allocated into the three accounts, $380 into Ordinary Account, $160 into Special Account and $200 into MediSave Account. If the platform worker does not opt in, his share of CPF contribution will only comprise of the platform worker itself and the $200 ($2,000 multiply by 10%)  will be allocated into the MediSave Account.

1. You can see an increase in total earnings after factoring in additional CPF contributions from platform operators. You can receive up to 17% in monthly CPF contributions from your platform operator by 2029.

Infographic showing the benefits of monthly CPF contributions from your platform operator. For a platform worker aged 50 years old in 2029, with a monthly net earnings of $2,000.  If he does not opt in, he will only be contributing $200 to his MediSave Account. But if he chooses to opt in, he will be contributing $400 and will enjoy $340 from his platform operator, resulting in a total CPF contributions of $740 which will be allocated into the 3 CPF accounts (Ordinary, Special and Retirement Account). The $340 which is provided by his platform operator can accumulate over time and this amounts to $4,080 more in CPF savings annually.

2. Your Ordinary Account savings can be used for your housing loan, freeing up your cash for other needs.

Inforgraphic example on the benefits of higher CPF contributions. The higher CPF contributions means you can use money from your Ordinary Account to pay for your housing loan.

The table below provides a comparison for those who have opted in and those who did not opt in.









Share of CPF contributions


Consists only your share of CPF contributions. There is no platform operator share of CPF contributions.


View contribution rates >



Consist of both you and your platform operators’ share of CPF contributions.

The CPF contribution rates for both will gradually increase over 5 years to align with those of employees and employers, reaching up to 20% and 17% respectively by 2029.


View contribution rates >




Allocation of CPF contributions



MediSave account only




All three CPF accounts:


  1. Ordinary – For housing
  2. Special or Retirement – For retirement
  3. MediSave – For healthcare


View allocation rates >


Submission of CPF contributions


Your platform operator will deduct your share of CPF contributions as and when you earn and submit them to CPF Board every month.