Retirement income

Plan my monthly payouts

Personalise your monthly payouts for your retirement needs.

Age 65 is an important milestone in your CPF journey.

Use this service to:

  • Instruct us to start or defer your payouts
  • Know and decide on your options to increase your payouts
  • Visualise how your choices will affect your payouts

Please submit your instructions via this service to customise the monthly payouts according to your needs. See what happens if you let your payouts start automatically.

Important notes

  • This service is applicable to CPF members who are 3 months or less from reaching age 65.
  • Before you begin, ensure that you have updated your contact details and provided a bank account in Account settings.

Estimated time

  • 20 minutes
  • Please set aside enough time to complete this service. You will be making important decisions on your retirement income.