Home Ownership

CPF housing usage calculator

Estimate how much Ordinary Account savings you can use for a property purchase

You can specify up to 3 co-owners in this calculator. The amount of Ordinary Account savings you can use to buy a property depends on your age, property type, and loan type.

The results of this calculator are estimates. If you have an existing property and want to find out how much more Ordinary Account savings you can use for your housing needs,  log in to view your Home ownership dashboard

This calculator is not applicable if your property is an HDB studio apartment or a short-lease 2-room flexi flat.

Important notes 
  • You will require your co-owners' date of birth, property purchase date, valuation price, and lease-related information to proceed.
  • All fields are mandatory unless marked optional.
CPF housing usage calculator
1 of   4
Profile selection

Tell us your housing situation

Are you estimating the amount of Ordinary Account savings you can use for your existing property or a new property?

Let us know your age

You and your co-owners' dates of birth help us to determine how much Ordinary Account savings you can use for your property.

You can add %s% more co-owners

Tell us about the property

Go to the HDB website to obtain this date. 


This refers to the full lease duration and not the remaining lease duration. Go to the HDB website to obtain this date.

Log in to the HDB website to obtain your "Date Applied" or "Date of Application". If you have yet to commit to a purchase, you can enter an approximate purchase date.

Go to the HDB website to obtain this date.


This refers to the full lease duration and not the remaining lease duration. Go to the HDB website to obtain this date.

Indicate the date from your "Option to Purchase" or "Sale and Purchase Agreement".  If you have yet to commit to a purchase, you can enter an approximate purchase date.

You can obtain the lease start date from a title search for the property. 


This refers to the full lease duration and not the remaining lease duration. For freehold properties, enter "999".

Add existing properties

If you are currently using your Ordinary Account savings for other properties, add these properties as part of the calculation. You do not have to add properties you intend to sell after purchasing the property above.

You can add up to %s% more properties

Share your financial information

Indicate the valuation price from the "Request for Value" report issued by HDB.

Indicate the valuation price from the valuation report issued by your bank.


You and your co-owners can use up to {proRatedValuationLimit} combined from your Ordinary Accounts for the property purchase.

Purchase price of property
Property valuation price at time of purchase

Results Details


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.


The remaining lease of the property is less than 30 years, or the sum of the youngest co-owner and the remaining lease year is 80 years or below. Your Ordinary Account savings cannot be used to purchase this property.

Purchase price of property
Property valuation price at time of purchase


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.


You and your co-owners can use all of your Ordinary Account savings for the property purchase.

Purchase price of property
Property valuation price at time of purchase


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.


You and your co-owners can use up to {valuationLimit} combined from your Ordinary Accounts for the property purchase.

You can use more, up to {withdrawalLimit}, if you set aside your Basic Retirement Sum in your CPF accounts. Note that if you are below age 55, your Basic Retirement Sum is the Basic Retirement Sum applicable to members turning 55 this year.

Purchase price of property
Property valuation price at time of purchase


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.


You and your co-owners can use up to {valuationLimit} combined from your Ordinary Accounts for a property purchase.

You can use more if you set aside your Basic Retirement Sum in your CPF accounts. Note that if you are below age 55, your Basic Retirement Sum is the Basic Retirement Sum applicable to members turning 55 this year.

Purchase price of property
Property valuation price at time of purchase


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.


You and your co-owners can use up to {valuationLimit} combined from your Ordinary Accounts for the property purchase.

Purchase price of property
Property valuation price at time of purchase


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.


You and your co-owners can use up to {proRatedValuationLimit} combined from your Ordinary Accounts for the property purchase.

Purchase price of property
Property valuation price at time of purchase


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.


You and your co-owners can use up to {valuationLimit} combined from your Ordinary Accounts for the property purchase.

As you own more than one property, you can only use Ordinary Account savings in excess of your Basic Retirement Sum. Note that if you are below age 55, your Basic Retirement Sum is the Basic Retirement Sum applicable to members turning 55 this year.

Purchase price of property
Property valuation price at time of purchase


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.


You and your co-owners can use up to {proRatedValuationLimit} combined from your Ordinary Accounts for the property purchase.

As you own more than one property, you can only use Ordinary Account savings in excess of your Basic Retirement Sum. Note that if you are below age 55, your Basic Retirement Sum is the Basic Retirement Sum applicable to members turning 55 this year.

Purchase price of property
Property valuation price at time of purchase


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.


You and your co-owners can use up to {proRatedValuationLimit} combined from your Ordinary Accounts for a property purchase.

As you own more than one property, you can only use Ordinary Account savings in excess of your Full Retirement Sum. Note that if you are below age 55, your Full Retirement Sum is the Full Retirement Sum applicable to members turning 55 this year. 

Purchase price of property
Property valuation price at time of purchase


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.


The remaining lease of the property is 20 years or below. Your Ordinary Account savings cannot be used to purchase this property.


Home ownership calculators

Estimate other housing-related matters such as your loan payment period, Home Protection Scheme Premiums, and more

Housing Scheme

Learn more about housing matters. Find out more about the use of your Ordinary Account savings for your housing needs.

Guide to home ownership

Find out everything you need to know about buying a property within your means using Ordinary Account savings.

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