Terms and Conditions: Life’s Supermart Instagram Contest (from 28 September 2024 to 2 November 2024)

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The Central Provident Fund Board (the “Board”) is organising the “Life’s Supermart” Instagram Contest (the “Contest”). By participating in the Contest, you are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to abide by the terms and conditions for the Contest set out below (“Terms”), which shall form a binding legal agreement between you and the Board with respect to the Contest.


 Any other references to the “Board” hereinafter shall include the Central Provident Fund Board constituted under the Central Provident Fund Act 1953 and its servants and agents and any officer authorized by the Board to act on its behalf.


1.       Terms


The Contest is organised, managed and moderated by the Board and its appointed vendors and agents through the Board’s Instagram page.


2.       Contest Period


2.1                 Participants may begin submitting entries for the Contest starting from 28 September 2024, 10:00am.


2.2                 Entries will be accepted for consideration up until 2 November 2024, 11:59pm (the “Submission Period”). Any entries submitted before or after the Submission Period will not be considered for the Contest.


3.       Contest Mechanics


3.1                 To enter the Contest, a participant (the “Participant”) is required to publish an Instagram Post of an event photo and/or video taken at the Life’s Supermart exhibition (“Exhibition”) which shows at least one element of the on-site Exhibition (including but not limited to the display booths, panels or activities at the Exhibition) (“Entry”), and ensure their Instagram account is set to public for the duration of the Contest and until 4 November 2024, 11:59pm. Entries submitted elsewhere or through other means or media will not be considered for the Contest.


3.2                 The Entry caption should include the Participant’s sharing (in English) on at least one key learning point after visiting the Exhibition, and include the hashtag #CPFLifeSupermart in the post. The Board’s Instagram account (@CPF_Board) must also be tagged in the Entry. The Board reserves the right to decide whether or not the Entry is eligible for a Prize (as defined in Clause 4.1 below).


3.3                 Only one Entry per Participant will be considered, regardless of the number of Entries or Instagram accounts used by the Participant to enter the Contest. Where a Participant submits multiple Entries, the Board is only obliged to consider the first Entry submitted for the Contest.


4.       Prizes


4.1                 Ten (10) eligible Entries will be selected by the Board as the winners (the “Winners”). The ten (10) Winners will each receive $20 in vouchers (the “Prize”). The Board reserves the right to forfeit the Prizes if there are no Winners. 


4.2                 Winners will be contacted via Direct Message on Instagram and will be asked for their full names, residency status, email addresses and contact numbers (“Contact Information”). Thereafter, Winners will be contacted via email to collect their Prize in-person at Novena Square Tower A (238A Thomson Road, Singapore 307684). If any Winner does not reply with his/her Contact Information within five (5) days from the date the Direct Message is sent, the Board reserves the right to award the Prize to another Participant or forfeit the prize entirely. The Winner affirms the accuracy of all Contact Information provided to the Board via Direct Message. Any misrepresentation of any fact or particulars shall result in disqualification and/or the forfeiture, withholding, withdrawal or reclaiming of any Prizes won. Please refer to the clause on Personal Data and Privacy Policy below for further details.


4.3                 Winners are required to sign an acknowledgement form, upon their collection of the Prizes  


4.4                 The Board reserves the right to substitute or replace the Prizes without prior notice. 


4.5                 The Board’s decision in selecting the Winners and determining the Prizes is final and no enquiries or appeals, whether verbal or written, shall be entertained. 


4.6                 The Board will not entertain any requests from the Winners to exchange, replace or negotiate on the Prizes awarded. 


4.7                 Participants may, without any notice or liability by the Board, be immediately disqualified from participating in this Contest if the Board in its sole and absolute discretion determines that:

(a)         the Participant’s Contact Information contains false, inaccurate and/or incomplete information;

(b)         there is an existing or potential conflict of interest in respect of the Participant’s participation in the Contest;

(c)          the Participant does not meet the eligibility criteria for participation in this Contest; or

(d)         the Participant breaches any of these Terms, Instagram’s applicable terms and conditions, policies or guidelines or violates any applicable law, regulation or third-party and Intellectual Property rights.


4.8                 Notwithstanding anything in these Terms, the Board reserves the right at any time, in its absolute discretion, to determine and/or amend, by addition to, subtraction from or variation of, these Terms without prior notification. The amended Terms shall take effect and bind the Participant upon publication. Participants should refer to [cpf.gov.sg] for the latest version of the Terms.


5.       Eligibility Criteria


5.1                 All residents of Singapore are eligible to participate in the Contest, except:

(a)    employees or staff of the Board (permanent, full-time, part-time, contract) and their immediate family members;

(b)    all of the Board’s promotional or advertising agencies and their respective affiliates and their immediate family members; and

(c)     any other party involved in the administration and execution of this Contest.


                    For the purpose of this Contest, an individual is considered a Singapore resident if he/she is: 

  •         A Singapore citizen or permanent resident, residing in Singapore; or 
  •         A non-Singapore citizen/permanent resident who is staying/working in Singapore with a valid student pass/employment pass/dependent pass/work permit.

5.2                 The Board reserves the right to disqualify any participant whom the Board believes and/or has reasonable ground to believe is not eligible.


5.3                 It is the Participant’s responsibility to ensure they are eligible to participate in the Contest. The Participant’s participation in the Contest is at their own costs and expense.


6.       Offensive or abusive behaviour


Any Entry that contains material that the Board deems offensive or abusive is subject to immediate disqualification. The Board’s decision on whether a post is considered offensive or abusive  is final. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  •         Vulgarities, profanities and obscenities, redacted or in full;
  •         Defamatory or libellous content;
  •         Spam, known to be inaccurate, or contains a false attribution;
  •         Entries, comments or content which are trolling or disruptive to discussion;
  •         Entries, comments or content that encourage criminal acts;
  •         Abusive, harassing or threatening Entries, comments or content;
  •         Soliciting funds, goods or services or advertisements;
  •         Entries or content which may infringe copyrights, trademarks or any other rights of third parties;
  •         Racist, sexist and/or other discriminatory content or Entries; or
  •         Entries or content that violates any of these Terms, or Instagram’s terms, conditions, policies or guidelines.

7.       Personal Data and Privacy Policy


7.1                 By participating in the Contest and/or providing any information in relation to himself/herself in relation to the Contest, including but not limited to any Contact Information or any other “personal data” as defined under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (collectively, “Personal Information”) to the Board through any means –

(a)    Each Winner consents to the collection by the Board of such Personal Information relating to him/her for verification purposes during the redemption of the Prize;

(b)    Winners further consent to the Board storing Personal Information relating to him/her to account for the Prizes given out. The Board may disclose such Personal Information to the Board’s auditors to account for the Prizes given out and to ensure that the Prizes have been properly awarded. 


7.2                 Participants also consent to the Board recording, storing, reposting and publishing any of the activities relating to the Contest (including but not limited to photos, videos or captions submitted as part of the Entries, photographs of the Participants and Winners or names of the Winners) for broadcast, publicity and promotional purposes without any remuneration. The Contact Information of Participants will not be publicly disclosed. Participants also agree that all Personal Information submitted in relation to this Contest, is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on the Board’s website. By participating in the Contest, Participants agree and acknowledge that they have read and accepted the Board’s Privacy Policy.


7.3                 The Board is the party collecting the Personal Information and is not collecting it on behalf of Instagram. The Board is not responsible or liable for any access or collection of any Personal Information by Instagram.


7.4                 This clause shall survive the termination or expiry of the Contest.


8.       Liabilities and Discretion of the Board


8.1                 The Board shall not be liable for any and all losses, costs, expense or damages arising directly or indirectly in connection with the Contest, including but not limited to any unreadable, incomplete, mutilated, tampered or irregular Entry, or any breakdown or malfunction in any computer system or equipment. 


8.2                 To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event will the Board or its appointed vendors or agents, employees, officers or directors be liable for:

(a)    Any cost incurred by the Winners in receiving or claiming the Prizes;

(b)    Any failure or inability by the Winners to receive or collect the Prizes, howsoever caused, unless such failure or inability was directly caused by the Board;

(c)    Any loss, claim, litigation, injury, damage, cost, expense or other liability arising directly or indirectly in relation to the Prizes or the Contest, howsoever caused;

(d)    Any circumstances beyond the Board’s control, including any Force Majeure Event(s), acts or defaults by a third-party;

(e)    Any unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Contest or electronic or human error in the administration of the Contest or the processing of entries;

(f)      Any postponement or cancellation of the Contest;

(g)     Technical failures of any kind, including but not limited to the malfunction of any computer, cable, network, hardware or software or other mechanical equipment; or

(h)    Any unavailability or inaccessibility of any website or Instagram page for this Contest due to mechanical, telecommunication, software, hardware and third-party vendor failures, updating, maintenance or construction.


8.3                 Any and all applicable taxes on the Prizes are the sole responsibility of the Winners.


8.4                 “Force Majeure Event” shall mean an event which is beyond the reasonable control of the Board which affects and frustrates the implementation of the Contest without fault or negligence of the Board and the Board is unable to perform its obligations despite implementing reasonable efforts and shall include but is not limited to acts of God, acts of foreign enemies, acts of civil or military authority, civil disturbance, war or threat of war, strikes, fires, epidemics or pandemics, and other catastrophes.


8.5                 If for any reason any aspect of the Contest is not capable of running as planned, including, but not limited to, by reason of infection by computer virus, network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures or any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Board which corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Contest, the Board may in its sole discretion cancel, terminate, modify or suspend this Contest, or invalidate any affected submissions. 


8.6                 This Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed by, administered by or associated with Instagram.


9.       Intellectual Property


9.1                 “Background IP” means IP which is created prior to or independently of the Contest.


9.2                 “Foreground IP” means IP (including future IP) which results from or is generated pursuant to or for the purpose of the Contest.


9.3                 “Intellectual Property” or “IP” means patents, copyright, trademarks, domain names, get-ups, inventions, registered and unregistered design rights, database rights, integrated circuit topography, geographical indications and all other similar rights of whatever nature wherever in the world arising.


9.4                 Nothing in these Terms shall affect a Participant’s right or the Board’s right to own or licence Background IP.


9.5                 All Foreground IP (including but not limited to the photos, videos or captions submitted as part of any Entry) created by a Participant shall belong to the Board, and Participants warrant that they have the authority to transfer or assign such Foreground IP to the Board.


9.6                 Participants shall undertake to do all acts and things and sign and execute all such documents as the Board may reasonably request to perfect, protect or enforce any of the rights granted or promised to the Board under these Terms.


9.7                 By entering this Contest, Participants represent and warrant that their Entry is an original work of authorship and does not violate any third party’s proprietary or Intellectual Property rights and has not been previously published, sold or submitted in any other competition, promotion or contest. If a Participant’s Entry infringes upon the Intellectual Property of another, the Participant will be disqualified at the sole discretion of the Board. If the content of a Participant’s Entry is claimed to constitute infringement of any proprietary or intellectual proprietary rights of any third party, the Participant shall, at their sole expense, defend or settle against such claims. The Board reserves the right to validate a Participant’s Entry in order to determine their eligibility for a Prize.


9.8                 This clause shall survive the termination or expiry of the Contest.


10.  Indemnity


10.1           Participants shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Board from and against any suit, proceedings, claims, liability, loss, damage, costs or expense, which the Board may suffer, incurred or be required to pay arising out of:

(a)    any claim against the Board for infringement or alleged infringement or violation of any Intellectual Property in connection with the Contest, including losses incurred by the Board in connection with such a claim; or

(b)    any breach of these Terms, misrepresentation, act or omission on the Participant’s part.


10.2           This clause shall survive the termination or expiry of the Contest.


11.  Disclaimer


Any services or materials provided by the Board in connection with the Contest, are made available to the Participant on an “as is” and “as available” basis. This means that the Board is unable to promise that the Participant’s use of such services or materials will be uninterrupted, without delays, error-free or meet the Participant’s expectations.


12.  Third Parties


A person who is not a party to the Terms shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2001 to enforce any of the Terms.


13.  Governing Laws


These Terms and all its subsequent variations shall be subjected to, governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore.


14. Others


14.1           In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms, and any marketing or promotional materials relating to the Contest, these Terms and all its subsequent variations, shall prevail. 


14.2           The Board reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Contest, the Board’s Instagram page or website or otherwise violates these Terms. The Board has the right, in its sole discretion, to maintain the integrity of the Contest, to void Entries for any reason, including, but not limited to: multiple Entries from the same Participant from different IP addresses; multiple Entries from the same computer or Participant in excess of that allowed by these Terms; or the use of bots, macros, scripts or other technical means for entering the Contest. Any attempt by a Participant to deliberately damage the Board’s Instagram page or website or undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest may be a violation of applicable laws. Should such attempt be made, the Board reserves the right to seek damages to the fullest extent permitted by law.


14.3           These Terms contain the entire and whole agreement between a Participant and the Board relating to the Contest and supersedes all prior written or oral commitments, representations, arrangements, understandings or agreements between a Participant and the Board.


14.4           In the event any provision in these Terms is determined to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, such provision or part of it shall, to the extent it is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, be deemed not to form part of these Terms and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms shall not be affected.


15. Contact Us


For any queries on the Contest, please send us a Direct Message on our Instagram page with your contact information.