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More members are able to set aside their retirement sums at age 55

Members who set aside the Required Retirement Sum (RRS) refers to those who either set aside the Full Retirement Sum in cash, or set aside the Basic Retirement Sum (BRS) and owned a property

Year 2020 2021 2022
Active members who set aside BRS 66% 67% 69%
All members who set aside BRS 54% 56% 58%
Active members who set aside FRS 46% 47% 49%
All members who set aside FRS 36% 37% 40%
Active members who set aside RRS 64% 65% 67%
All members who set aside RRS 51% 53% 55%

Population of active and all CPF members (age 55)





No. of active CPF members at age 55




Total no. of CPF members at age 55





  1. CPF member: A person with positive CPF balance.
  2. Active CPF member: A person with at least one CPF contribution paid for the current or any of the preceding three months. Excludes self-employed who are not employees concurrently.

Why are more active members able to set aside the retirement sum, compared to all members?

Strengthened support for seniors who are in need through Silver Support

Silver Support provides quarterly payouts to seniors aged 65 and above who had low incomes during their working years and now have less in retirement. This includes full-time caregivers who were not able to work much when they were younger.

Silver Support disbursed

Amount of Silver Support disbursed

Majority live in 1- 3 room HDB flats

2020-2022 Silver Support recipients by housing type

Proportion of Silver Support recipients by housing type

2 in 3 Silver Support recipients are women

Number of Silver Support recipients, breakdown by gender

Number of Silver Support recipients by gender