Active CPF members by regrossed balance and age group

Annual distribution of active CPF members by regrossed balance and age group

The detailed table breakdown is available for download in Excel format (xlsx, 23KB)

Number of active CPF members by age group 



Age group 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Up to 20 42.7 34.3 38.9 40.0 35.8 33.4
Above 20 to 25 102.9 95.7 97.7 93.8 89.3 87.2
Above 25 to 30 228.4 221.6 225.5 223.0 214.5 207.0
Above 30 to 35 239.5 246.8 260.6 267.7 264.1 264.2
Above 35 to 40 237.8 238.5 239.0 240.6 252.6 258.4
Above 40 to 45 231.6 234.4 238.9 245.3 247.3 247.4
Above 45 to 50 228.8 229.3 235.6 234.4 231.9 232.5
Above 50 to 55 204.3 203.7 209.6 215.6 220.0 222.9
Above 55 to 60 191.3 192.4 197.6 198.0 195.6 192.2
Above 60 to 65 156.7 160.5 166.9 171.2 173.3 173.9
Above 65 to 70 97.1 102.0 110.6 118.5 123.4 127.3
Above 70 to 75 48.9 54.6 60.2 65.3 69.4 73.4
Above 75 to 80 18.5 18.2 21.3 26.2 30.2 34.8
Above 80 9.3 10.3 11.4 12.2 13.1 14.1
Total 2,037.8 2,042.3 2,113.9 2,152.0 2,160.6 2,168.8



  • All figures are in thousands
  • Total figures may not tally due to rounding

Number of active CPF members by regrossed balance 

Regrossed balance includes amounts withdrawn under Investment, Education, Residential Properties, Non-Residential Properties and Public Housing Schemes as at end of period.


Regrossed balance 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Below $20,000 196.9 175.9 188.6 181.4 165.0 150.9
$20,000 to below $40,000 120.4 111.7 108.8 107.6 101.0 93.3
$40,000 to below $60,000 117.0 110.8 108.0 104.6 101.8 94.6
$60,000 to below $80,000 106.7 104.1 102.9 100.7 98.2 95.9
$80,000 to below $100,000 101.3 98.5 97.7 96.3 93.2 91.5
$100,000 to below $120,000 94.9 92.2 92.9 91.9 89.9 86.6
$120,000 to below $140,000 89.0 87.5 87.8 86.9 85.5 83.4
$140,000 to below $160,000 84.5 82.5 83.7 83.1 81.6 80.7
$160,000 to below $180,000 79.0 78.9 79.1 79.7 78.3 77.7
$180,000 to below $200,000 74.0 73.7 74.6 74.8 74.8 73.9
$200,000 to below $220,000 70.0 69.5 70.2 70.4 70.5 69.9
$220,000 to below $240,000 67.9 66.8 67.2 67.2 67.1 67.3
$240,000 to below $260,000 64.1 64.9 65.3 64.4 63.7 64.4
$260,000 to below $280,000 58.6 59.7 62.2 62.7 62.2 60.5
$280,000 to below $300,000 53.2 55.1 56.8 58.5 59.6 59.7
$300,000 to below $400,000 218.2 225.2 233.8 239.4 243.2 248.5
$400,000 to below $500,000 152.3 160.0 168.6 175.8 181.9 187.3
$500,000 and above 290.1 325.5 365.9 406.7 443.4 482.8
Total 2,037.8 2,042.3 2,113.9 2,152.0 2,160.6 2,168.8



  • All figures are in thousands
  • Total figures may not tally due to rounding