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Claims under Home Protection Scheme

This table is available for download in Excel format (xlsx, 75KB)


Within period

Claims on death grounds

Claims on incapacity grounds
Number of claims Amount claimed (S$m) Number of claims Amount claimed (S$m)
2019 627 59.6 432 35.9
2020 586 52.3 334 31.5
2021 613 57.1 274 23.7
2022 606 56.7 255 22.5
2023 609 61.2 243 20.5
2024 Q1 147 12.4 57 5.5



  • Amount claimed is in S$ millions.
  • Number of claims is based on the number of approved Home Protection Scheme within each period.
  • Amount claimed is based on the sum assured of approved claims. They do not represent the actual amount paid.