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Key 2023 CPF statistics
As of 2023, there were 4.4 million members and 2.1 million active members.
Total CPF members' balances grew by 4.8% to $571 billion. CPF contributions collected and credited in 2023 was $49.1 billion.
Total interest credited to CPF members' accounts was $21 billion, including $1.9 billion in extra interest.
513,000 members received monthly retirement payouts in 2023, with more than 130,000 members on the CPF LIFE scheme receiving payouts for as long as they live. $3.4 billion in monthly payouts was also disbursed.
MediSave withdrawals for direct medical expenses and long-term care needs amounted to $1.31 billion, while claims from MediShield Life coverage amounted to $1.39 billion for 840,000 claims.
In 2023, CPF members withdrew $25.6 billion from their Ordinary Account savings to pay for their home.