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Lianhe Zaobao, 28 Jul
Forum, Page 23


We refer to the letter “Allow those in financial difficulty to withdraw part of their CPF early” (22 Jul). We thank the writer for responding to our request for the identity of the CPF member she described in her letter. We urge readers who encounter similar cases to write to the Board directly with details of the member at so that we can render assistance expeditiously.


This CPF member had approached us through his MP in June 2021 on his request to withdraw his CPF savings. He made no mention of his severe medical conditions then. Having already withdrawn a substantial sum when he turned 55 in 2012, he is not eligible for any further withdrawal until he reaches age 65. To help him with his daily living needs in the meantime, we had referred him to his nearest Social Service Office (SSO). Since then, he has started receiving monthly ComCare financial assistance.


We have since reached out to the member again to see if we could be of further assistance. The CPF Board does accord flexibilities to members who are certified by accredited medical practitioners to have a reduced life expectancy to withdraw their CPF savings earlier. For more information, members can visit or write in to us.



Soh Tse Min(Ms)
Director (Retirement Withdrawals)
Central Provident Fund Board