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The Straits Times Online, 20 Mar



WE THANK Mr Louis Francis Albert for his letter ("Ensure employers make CPF contributions"; Forum Online, last Friday).


Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions are payable for all employees who are Singapore citizens and permanent residents earning more than $50 a month.


The CPF Board takes a serious view of employers who default on CPF contributions for their employees.


In 2013, the CPF Board recovered $16.6 million of CPF arrears from 3,900 employers who underpaid or did not pay CPF. This benefited more than 19,000 employees.


In addition to ongoing audits and on-site inspections of companies, the CPF Board also conducts outreach initiatives regularly to raise awareness among employees and employers of their CPF rights and obligations under the WorkRight campaign.


To report non-payment or underpayment of CPF contributions for employees, the public can call 1800-221-9922 or email


All information provided will be kept strictly confidential.



Irene Kang (Ms)

Director of Communications

Central Provident Fund Board