Lianhe Zaobao, 20 Sep
Voices, Pg 21
We agree with Mr Ho Yuen (“Tsk to CPF Board”, 17 September 2019) that the elderly including the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations should be respected and appreciated for their contributions to society.
Prior to the release of our TV commercial, message testing was conducted with a range of Singaporeans including those in higher age groups. A good number of our focus group respondents found that the messages of people living longer, and therefore needing to plan early for retirement, resonated with them. The light-hearted treatment of the TV commercial was also easy to relate to. Since the launch, while some viewers may not have received the TV commercial positively, others felt that the TV commercial was memorable and made them realise the importance of planning for their retirement.
Nonetheless, we have acknowledged Mr Ho’s feedback and will strive to improve how we convey our messages in future.
Irene Kang (Ms)
Group Director (Communications)
Central Provident Fund Board