18 February 2019
Minister for Finance Mr Heng Swee Keat made the following announcements relating to CPF during the FY2019 Budget Statement in Parliament on 18 February 2019.
View details of the Singapore Budget 2019.
The Government will enhance the Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) Scheme to supplement the incomes and CPF savings of lower-wage workers, as well as to encourage them to work regularly. WIS will continue to be targeted at workers at the bottom 20% by income, with some support for those slightly above.
These changes will apply for work done from 1 January 2020 onwards:
Factsheet on enhancement of WIS Scheme (PDF, 0.3MB)
FAQs on enhancement of WIS Scheme (PDF, 0.2MB)
More information on WIS Scheme
Lower-income Singaporeans will receive additional payments from the Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) Scheme in end 2019 to help them with their daily expenses.
Workfare Bicentennial Bonus will be given to lower-income Singaporeans who receive WIS in Work Year 2018. The amount of Workfare Bicentennial Bonus is 10% of the total annual payment received under the WIS scheme in Work Year 2018, with a minimum payment of $100.
Factsheet on Workfare Bicentennial Bonus (PDF, 0.3MB)
FAQs on Workfare Bicentennial Bonus (PDF, 0.3MB)
Singaporeans aged 50 and above in 2019, who do not receive the Merdeka Generation Package or the Pioneer Generation Package, will receive MediSave top-up of $100 a year for the next five years
More details will be available at a later date.
A one-off top-up will be made to the CPF Special or Retirement Account of lower-income Singaporeans with low CPF balances, aged 50 – 64 in 2019 to help them build up their CPF savings.
More details will be available at a later date.
For more information on Workfare Income Supplement and Workfare Bicentennial Bonus:
Hotline: 1800-227-1188 (Mondays to Fridays: 8am to 5.30pm)
Email: Write to us