Budget Highlights 2021

3 March 2021


Increase in CPF Contribution Rates for Senior Workers from 1 January 2022


The increase in CPF contribution rates for senior workers aged 55 and above will take effect from 1 January 2022. This increase will be cushioned by the CPF Transition Offset and the Senior Employment Credit.


Information on CPF Transition Offset and Senior Employment Credit


Extension of Matched MediSave contributions in Contribute-as-you-Earn (CAYE) pilot till 31 December 2021


CAYE was piloted at the start of 2020 to help Self-Employed Persons (SEPs) better save for their healthcare needs through smaller and more regular MediSave contributions whenever they receive payment from Government agencies. The government will extend the qualifying period for SEPs to receive matched MediSave contributions till 31 December 2021, to provide more time for SEPs to fully benefit from this transition package.


Information on CAYE


Contact information


CPF Board

Call us: 1800-227-1188 (Mondays to Fridays: 8am to 5.30pm)

Write to us: cpf.gov.sg/writetous

5 March 2021


Raising of Annual Limit for Flexi-MediSave from $200 to $300


From 1 June 2021, the annual limit under the Flexi-MediSave scheme will be raised from $200 to $300, to further reduce out-of-pocket payment for elderly patients in the outpatient setting.


FAQ on Flexi-MediSave


Increase in Annual MediSave Usage Limit from $500 to $700 for Patients with Complex Chronic Conditions


From 1 January 2021, patients with complex chronic conditions under the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) can use up to $700 per year from their MediSave for treatments.


FAQs on Chronic Diseases can be found under Outpatient MediSave500/700


Changes to MediShield Life from 1 March 2021


The benefit changes to MediShield Life (MSHL) scheme will take effect for admissions on or after 1 March 2021, and the premiums will be adjusted to keep the MSHL scheme solvent and sustainable. The Government will provide a one-off COVID-19 subsidy on top of existing Government subsidies for MSHL premiums. In total, the Government will be providing up to $2.2 billion in premium subsidies and support over the next three years to help Singaporeans with their MSHL premiums.


Ministry of Health’s press release

MSHL Benefits from 1 March 2021 (PDF, 0.07MB)