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Why am I unable to withdraw more from my CPF to tide over my financial difficulties?

The CPF system is designed to help all Singaporeans save for retirement. The more you set aside in your CPF for retirement, the higher your monthly CPF payout which you can enjoy starting from your Payout Eligibility Age. 

Nevertheless, you do have the flexibility to make lump sum withdrawals up to $5,000 of your Special Account (SA) and Ordinary Account (OA) savings anytime from age 55 regardless of your CPF balances. You may also withdraw any SA and OA savings as a lump sum after setting aside your Full Retirement Sum. If you own a property, which can last you to at least age 95, you can choose to withdraw your Retirement Account savings above your Basic Retirement Sum.  If you were born in 1958 or after, you can also withdraw up to 20% of your Retirement Account (RA) savings as at age 65. This withdrawal amount includes the $5,000 that can be withdrawn from age 55. You can find out more about the retirement sum you need.

In addition to saving for retirement, CPF savings can also be used to meet other important needs like housing and healthcare. 

Singaporeans who are less well-off can also benefit from various Government support schemes, such as the MediFund, Workfare Income Supplement, Silver Support and GST Vouchers.  

If you still face difficulties in meeting your daily living expenses, you can seek assistance at the nearest Social Service Office.