Retain $20,000 in your OA if you are taking a housing loan

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Find out how setting aside $20,000 in your OA affects your monthly instalment

Ben and Lexie are looking to take up a home loan. These are the assumptions that apply to both:


The maximum loan that can be taken: $470,000

Ben and his partner retain $20,000 each in their Ordinary Account Lexie and her partner used up their entire Ordinary Account


Remaining balance in their Ordinary Account


Remaining balance in their Ordinary Account

Based on their respective decisions on the amount to retain in their Ordinary Account, their outstanding loans and monthly instalment are as follows:

Outstanding housing loan amount


Outstanding housing loan amount


Monthly instalment**


Monthly Instalment**



With an approximate increase of $200 per household on the monthly instalment, Ben and his family enjoy better financial security, where they have enough OA to cover at least 15 months of housing repayments in times of hardships.


*Assumption: Initial OA balance: $20,000, interest rate is at 2.6% and the number of years for loan repayment is 20 years

**Assumption: The total monthly instalment is divided between 2 co-owners