Making Voluntary Contributions

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How do I pay CPF late payment interest if I am submitting CPF contributions via Electronic Standing Instructions (ESI)?

For CPF contributions that are submitted via Electronic Standing Instructions (ESI), you can make payment for CPF late payment interest by performing an additional submission via the steps below:

  1. At ESI Main Menu, select Perform Additional Submission.
  2. Select the Month and key in the Year you are submitting for and click Continue to proceed.
  3. Scroll down to the summary section and key in the outstanding CPF late payment interest amount under ‘2. CPF Late Payment Interest’. Click Continue.
  4. Verify the payment details and click Direct Debit to complete the payment.
  5. You will see the online acknowledgement screen after the submission is completed successfully. An email will also be sent to your email address(es) registered with the Board.