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Why does CPF Board not start my payouts automatically at 65?

We understand that every member has unique retirement goals and needs. That is why we do not assume that everyone wants to start their payouts at 65.

Your CPF savings earn risk-free interest rates* of up to 6% per annum, which means the longer you wait to start your payouts, the more your retirement savings will grow. This increase in savings will result in higher monthly payouts under CPF LIFE.

Starting payouts automatically at 65 means denying members this option.

That is why we always encourage our members to instruct us when they want to start their payouts, as they would be the best judge of their own circumstances.

Here's an interesting fact: For every year that you defer your CPF LIFE payouts, your monthly payout amount increases by up to 7%. This means that if you defer for 5 years, your monthly payout could increase by up to 35%. Hence, weigh your options and make the decision that is best for you and your retirement goals.

* Based on the current 4% interest rate floor on Special and Retirement Account monies.