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What is the period for income declaration to IRAS?

If you receive a notification (via letter/form/SMS) to file tax from IRAS, or you meet the requirement to file tax (i.e. NTI above $6,000 and/or Total Income above $22,000), please complete and submit the tax return to IRAS directly. The income tax filing period is from 1 March to 18 April annually.

If you do not receive a notification from IRAS or do not meet the requirement to file tax, you can declare your self-employed net trade income (NTI) to IRAS via myTax Portal which will be available from 1 March to 31 October annually for taxpayers to e-File tax returns. 

Once IRAS has assessed your income for the year, your assessed NTI will be transmitted to the Board. You can check your updated NTI records by logging in to the Self-employment dashboard with your Singpass.